3 Great Tips To Creating The Best Online Dating Profile
Nowadays, online dating is becoming more and more popular. And if you think about it, it makes sense. Hectic work schedules and busy personal lives leaves very little time to meet someone the old-fashioned way. But online dating is easier said than done. The key to successful online dating lies in your profile.
Profile picture – This image sets the stage. And let’s be honest, can be a deal breaker for some. Whether we admit it or not, physical attraction plays a big part in a potential mate. Choose a picture that showcases your best assets without being too revealing. Also, make sure you are smiling in your picture as smiles are very inviting. My advice is to stay away from “selfie” shots as they tend to be cheesy. Also, stay away from group shots as you will get lost in the picture. This advice goes to your main profile picture. I also advise to upload more than one photo. In your proceeding photos, feel free to add group shots, pet shots, etc. There is a popular saying that goes “a picture is worth a thousand words” so let your pictures do the talking.
About You Section – While your profile picture is an important asset to your online dating profile, your content plays a vital role as well. Before you sign-up for any dating site, create a list of your hobbies, interests, strengths, and weaknesses. Once that list is complete, choose the most important items that you are willing to share. Make sure you elaborate on hobbies and interests as you will want your potential mate to share some of them. Also, include how you spend most of your time as this will give your potential mate an idea to see if you are compatible. Lastly and most importantly, make sure you are 100% honest. Without honesty, you won’t find your soul mate.
What You Want In A Partner Section – Whether the dating site you sign-up for has this section or not, you definitely need to include this in your profile. Think about what is most important to you in a partner. Write down everything from characteristics to values and morals to examples of how you want to spend your life with your partner. Don’t be deterred if your list is long for once you start to compose this section, you will weed out qualities that aren’t a “make it or break it”. My advice when composing this section is to focus on yourself and your future partner equally. A profile with content too heavy on yourself shows that you are selfish, conversely a profile that showcases too much content on what you are looking for can be a deterrent for a future mate. Also, make sure you proof read. Misspellings won’t get you very far on any dating website. Lastly, throughout the entire process of online dating, make sure that you have fun! This experience is supposed to be enlightening, exciting, and so much more.