3 Secrets to Dating on a Student Budget
How do I impress my date and still have money to do laundry?
This is a pressing issue and struggle for all students of the higher education world. This past week I could barely afford the desperately needed toilet paper, and my coffee addiction is threatening to destroy my wallet. Yet, just as I can’t get around the necessity of constant caffeine, students can’t escape the fact that they’re broke.
Living on a student budget isn’t easy. Whether you have a part time job or are one of the lucky few who have their parents’ financial support, it’s still an ongoing battle. Resisting Friday night pizza is hard enough but to make matters worse, there’s another element that’s evident in all colleges and universities; dating.
Despite your charm and incredible good looks, to impress your date it’ll usually cost you some dough. However, there’s light at the end of the expensive tunnel. It’s your lucky day because these three secrets can help you impress your date while being a broke student.
Stay close to home…like really close
photo by Steve Jurvetson cc
College is your home away from home. Actually, it’s probably more entertaining than your real home. Therefore you have many advantages and potential date ideas right at your fingertips.
- A movie night and order in food. Netflix was literally made for college kids.
- Cook together (microwave cooking still counts!)
- Play a board game, cards or a video game
- Build a blanket fort together. Everyone’s a child at heart, don’t deny it
- For the more artsy-fartsy couples, do a craft or paint together
- Just simple talking and cuddling usually works wonders
Make a budget plan
photo by Bill & Vicki T cc
You don’t learn everything in a classroom. The skill of budget planning is a valuable and very useful one. Even though you can’t put it down on your resume it will help you be smart about your money. Sit down, get out a pen and paper (or more likely turn on your laptop) and estimate your monthly costs. This would include food, entertainment, necessities, school supplies, and most importantly dates. Try to put down only what you can’t live without. Next, add the costys together and get a resulting total of how much you can spend per month. Now comes the challenge; try to not go over this amount, and even spend less if possible. Now you can be a true sweetheart, still pay for the bill and not feel totally broke.
Use Your Resources
photo by dougwoods cc
Your greatest asset is your resources. I sound like a cool philosopher with a wooden staff and beard but I’m not. As students we have many advantages. You know those coupon books you got at the beginning of the year and haven’t opened since? Well, they’re stocked full of money saving date ideas…be wary of the discounted tattoo ones though. It doesn’t end there. No matter where you go to school, I can assure you that many stores, restaurants and businesses around your campus offer student discounts. Seize these opportunities and save money on school supplies, food and much more. There are countless deals, bargains and giveaways for solely students. Becoming a coupon queen or king is not something to be ashamed of.
With these three secrets, you will be unstoppable. You can conquer the dating world with great ease and still have money left over to show for it. So go forth and capture some hearts and save some money.