5 Tips To Make A Great First Online Dating Impression
When people talk about first impressions, they immediately think face-to-face contact. However, times have changed, and first impressions also matter significantly with online contact…especially when it comes to online dating. And, the rules for face-to-face first impressions differ from online dating first impressions.
Where Your First Impression Counts: Your Profile and Your Email
If you opt for online dating over traditional methods of dating, the first thing you must realize is where your first impressions are going to matter. And, your first impressions are going to be found in both your profile and email.
When It Comes To Your Profile:
If you don’t already know, your profile should be positive and upbeat – nothing that shows that you’re lonely or desperate (major turn-off for women). You also want to ensure it stays current, so update it often if you need to (or when things have changed in your life). Be sure you are descriptive about the kinds of things you like to do without giving too much information right off the bat. Remember, you want to hold their interest when you email back and forth.
When It Comes To Your Email:
Now, if you plan on emailing a potential “date”, you need to know how to write a killer first impression email. That first email you send must be warm and inviting; you’re looking to show the recipient that you’re interesting and they should get to know you. So, what should that first impression email entail?
1 – Your Email Greeting
When you find the profile of someone you like and decide you want to email them, you need to know what to say to make a great first impression. You should start the email off with the following, “Good day or evening or Hello (username)”. Be sure that the person’s username is correctly spelled – write it down if you have to. This kind of opening comes across as warm and inviting.
2 – A Brief Communication
When it comes to writing the perfect first impression email, here’s a tip you need to keep in mind: nothing more than three paragraphs and nothing less than two paragraphs. Anything short or generic won’t get you replies, and anything too long means you’re trying to come across as desperate.
3 – Find Common Ground
When you looked over their profile, no doubt you had something in common so mention it in the email. If it’s something odd that you both share in common, tell them about it. While most folks will check out your profile after they get an email from you (and yes, your profile should mention your likes and hobbies), you shouldn’t always count on this.
4 – Mention Profile-Specific Detail
By now you’ve gone over their profile carefully, so when you start writing your email, mention something specific about it. Consider talking about somewhere they’ve been or a movie they’ve seen, etc. and be positive about the topic. It’s important that you come across as a positive person if you want them to reply back.
5 – Ask One (Just One) Direct Question
It’s best to ask just one direct question so you get a reply back. Too many questions can be perceived as being nosy. Be sure the question is something they don’t mind answering.
It’s important you remember that to create a first impression, both your profile and the email need to look inviting – go over them both with a fine tooth comb, looking for spelling and grammar mistakes. Be honest in both of them, and when you write that initial email, stick to the general information – who you are, your age, if you’ve been married, have kids, etc.
First impressions are not just for face-to-face contact anymore; they’re also used online. With some forethought, you can create the first impression that gets the replies you’re looking for.